An Update on Our Update

It seems like it wasn’t so very long ago that we last wrote about how it seems like it wasn’t so long ago we’d last updated Super Speller. It has, in fact, been nearly 10 months since our last post mentioning it had been nearly 2 years since our last significant Super Speller update!

Well we’re happy to say that we are entering the home stretch with Super Speller 5 which is now in beta testing. That’s the good news. Unfortunately it turns out that this new version will require iOS 11. Among our options was creating a new app which would require everyone to re-purchase the app, or pushing back the release (again) to explore ways to preserve support for those running older versions of iOS, or requiring iOS 11. Neither of the first two options was appealing and so we opted for the latter.

Not to worry if you’re running an older version of iOS, Super Speller 4.1.1 will continue to work just fine for you and the new version will be waiting for you when you make the jump to iOS 11.

Testing is going well so far and we’re anxious to release Super Speller 5 sometime in the next few weeks.

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