How To Study A Foreign Language With Super Speller

Those who have bought Super Speller or those who have read our blog posts, are familiar with why it was created. Simply put, our son could not spell. It was a constant battle each week trying to get him to remember how to spell his words for his weekly spelling tests. Now our son is in middle school and our daughter is in high school. Neither have a spelling class or weekly spelling tests. You would think by now, they would have no need for Super Speller. However, you would be pleasantly surprised at how much more you can do with it.

My daughter uses the app to study for her foreign language class. Each week, as they are learning new words, she will create a new test. In this test, she will  first type her word. Then she will record herself saying a sentence the word can be used in. She does not say the word in the sentence. She creates it like you would see a written test where you have to fill in the blanks. She then uses the study options. When she feels she’s ready, she will take the test. When taking the test, she will hear her sentences and then type in her answer.

2013-08-27 10.54.34My daughter’s foreign language teacher is always telling her students to practice using these words in a conversation.  Recording sentences in the language, gives my daughter good practice. She has said that there is also a  bonus to studying this way. Using the app also helps her learn how to spell the words correctly. Obviously, she needs to know how to spell the words for class.

There are two things you need to think about when you study a foreign language with Super Speller. First, does this language use a different alphabet than English? If yes, then you need to add that keyboard to your device. To add a keyboard, tap on your device’s “settings” tap “general” tap “keyboard” tap “keyboards” then choose “Add New Keyboard”. Now when you are creating a test, all you have to do is tap on the “globe” at the bottom of your keyboard to change to the language you need.

The second thing you need to think about is, does this language use diacritical marks?  If the language you are learning uses the same alphabet as English, chances are the words will have diacritical marks that change the pronunciation of letters. To use diacritical marks when adding a word, hold down the letter on the keyboard. This will bring up options with different marks for you to choose from.  It’s that simple!

There are many ways my family has found to use Super Speller, outside of just spelling. Give it a try! See what creative ways you can come up with to study different subjects. Soon, I will talk about some of the ways we use it for my sons’s middle school classes.

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How To Track Your Weight With Goalposts

There are a lot of people today who are trying to lose weight and lead a healthier life. I started that journey myself , almost a year and a half ago. It definitely wasn’t easy, but I can proudly say that I reached my goal and have been maintaining for several months! They say to do this, you first have to want to do it for yourself and second, find what works for you.

The same diet and exercise routine does not work for everyone. For me, I had to first become aware of how much I actually weighed. Once I stepped on the scale, I knew I definitely had to make changes. Once I had my plan of action ready, I knew that I had to keep a check of my weight at least once a week. Each time I weighed myself, I would enter it into Goalposts. This was a huge help to me! Every Friday when I stepped on the scale and saw that I had lost weight, it gave me the motivation I needed to keep going. Don’t get me wrong, there were some weeks that it went the other way. However, being able to look at my weight chart in Goalposts and see my progress line continually go down, let me know I was still on track.

Setting up a weight goal is simple and also a good example of how to use a non-totaled goal. The numbers I am using are based on an “ideal” weight for a 6 foot tall male.2013-08-21 11.03.05

  1. Tap on the “+” at the bottom of the home screen.
  2. Give your goal an Identity (I call mine weight). Don’t forget to choose your icon and color here.
  3. Under Description you will tap on the green arrow and choose limit/less than (red arrow)
  4. Tap on time to change your Units to pounds
  5. Tap on the number one located between the red arrow and the pounds to enter the amount you would like to weigh.
  6. Tap on daily and enter the period you would like to reach this weight by (best options are someday or deadline).
  7. If you have chosen deadline in the above step, you will need to enter the date you would like to reach your goal by.
  8. Tap the box next to Total entries for me. This will uncheck the total box and is very important. If you do not uncheck this box, each time you enter your weight it will total them together and pretty soon you will weigh more than you ever thought possible!
  9. You will now need to enter your starting weight. This will help Goalposts determine whether your target is above or below your starting point.
  10. Under extras you can add an alert to remind you to weigh yourself, if you so choose.
  11. Tap save in the upper right corner and you are ready to go!

2013-08-21 11.02.46Each time you are ready to enter your weight, you will just tap the “+” on the home screen and then tap on your weight goal and enter your weight for that day. To keep track of your progress, tap the overview icon on the lower left of the home screen, tap on your weight goal, and then turn your phone sideways. This will show you a handy graph of your weight! You will also notice that because this is not a timed goal, weight will show up on your timeline as a sign and not a banner.

I hope this helps you to reach your weight loss goal and gives an understanding of how to use a non-totaled goal. This is also a good way to set up goals for tracking temperature, net worth, or anything you do not want to total. There are so many possibilities.

You may also want to read Tracking Exercise In Goalposts or Back To School With Goalposts to see how to set up timed goals.

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Reasons Why Spelling Matters

I was reading an article on USA Today  entitled “Does Spelling Still Matter”. This made me stop and wonder if spelling really does matter in this day of technology where we have spellcheck.  With many schools not focusing on spelling anymore, is it still important that my children learn to spell? The answer for me is YES!

I think there are many reasons why spelling still matters. When thinking about the reasons, there were two that I kept coming back to. The first and most obvious reason is I want my kids to look smart when it comes time for them to get a job. If they can’t spell correctly on a job application or resume, are they going to be looked at seriously?

The second, and most important reason, is not being able to spell can greatly affect your ability to read. The article states “kids not taught spelling are not likely to do as well on the state reading and writing tests”. This statement really hit home to me!

As the parent of a child who had much difficulty with spelling, I learned that his problem with spelling also became a problem with how he was reading the questions on these tests. Each year, in preparation for these tests, my child would come home with his practice books for us to go over the questions he missed. Most of the missed questions were wrong because he read them wrong. Each time he read a word wrong I would tell him what it actually was and he would say “Oh, well that makes it a totally different question!”. After knowing what the real question was, he would answer almost always with the correct answer. This makes me wonder how many questions did he get wrong on the actual tests? How could his difficulty with spelling affect his test scores?

The answer to the question “Does Spelling Still Matter?” for me is yes! We will continue to practice spelling in our house.

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Back To School With Goalposts

This shows how your goal would be set with an alert

This shows how your goal would be set with an alert

It’s back to school time. That wonderful time of year where students and parents get back into the swing of things. The time where everyone is trying to get organized in anticipation of all the studying, homework, and projects they know are coming their way.  Goalposts was originally created as a way to help my son and I become better organized with his school work. With that in mind, I thought this would be the perfect subject for our next post in the series.

There are so many ways you can use Goalposts to help you meet your goals for school.  Whether you need to make a goal to ensure you spend enough time each day studying or have more specific school and homework goals, we’ve got you covered.  Most goals you set in this area will be timed goals. You can check this post to see how to create a timed goal.

Every school year my son has to read 20 minutes each night and I have to log the time that he read and the number of pages. This meant that I would have to stand watch of the clock each night when he was reading.  Now we have  a goal set and he can do it on his own. With this goal we set the time description for 20 minutes daily at least 5 times a week. The cool part for him is we set an “Extra” for this goal that will alert him when he has completed the goal.  When the alert sounds he knows he is done. The really cool part for me is he can add a note that tells what page he started and ended on. When I am ready to fill in his reading log, all I have to do is tap on that goal on the timeline and all of the information is right there.

This shows how you can quickly see your goal information on the timeline

This shows how you can quickly see your goal information on the timeline

Homework with my son could take several hours each night. After being in school all day, he is just not in the mood to come home and start again. I had to get clever and make a game of it.  Now we have a generic “homework” goal set. He taps “start” when he begins his homework and taps the “flag” when he’s done. The game is to try to beat his time each day.  We compare the current day to the previous day and if he completes his work in a shorter amount of time he wins! I also win, as this helps to keep him focused and keeps me from repeatedly telling him to sit down and concentrate so we can get done.

These are just a couple of ways we use Goalposts to help our son with school. Our daughter uses it make sure she practices her piano each day and to keep up with learning her words for Spanish class. Just think of what you need your goals to be for school, set the goals in a way that works best for you, and then start reaching them!

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Spelling Homework Idea With Super Speller

Need a helpful spelling homework idea to keep your kids practicing their spelling during the summer?  After months of being in school and working hard everyday, the last things kids want to do on their summer break is homework.  Coming up with ways to keep them practicing without complaining can be very hard!

My son loves to play video games.  His favorite games require him to build things and name them or post signs saying what things are.  I noticed this summer that almost every time he was playing a game, he would ask me how to spell a word.  I would make him sound the word out and help with the words that do not follow that rule.  It also occurred to me that many times he was asking how to spell words that I had already helped him with (several times).  Then the light bulb shined bright!  I need to add these words to Super Speller.

So off I went, adding new tests of all of the words he WANTS to know how to spell.  Before, it had always been the words he was given each week in school.  Last summer it was the sight words he needed to know for the next grade.  This summer it’s the sight words and the words that he uses most frequently.  The best part is he is so proud that he does not have to ask mom anymore!

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