Need a helpful spelling homework idea to keep your kids practicing their spelling during the summer? After months of being in school and working hard everyday, the last things kids want to do on their summer break is homework. Coming up with ways to keep them practicing without complaining can be very hard!
My son loves to play video games. His favorite games require him to build things and name them or post signs saying what things are. I noticed this summer that almost every time he was playing a game, he would ask me how to spell a word. I would make him sound the word out and help with the words that do not follow that rule. It also occurred to me that many times he was asking how to spell words that I had already helped him with (several times). Then the light bulb shined bright! I need to add these words to Super Speller.
So off I went, adding new tests of all of the words he WANTS to know how to spell. Before, it had always been the words he was given each week in school. Last summer it was the sight words he needed to know for the next grade. This summer it’s the sight words and the words that he uses most frequently. The best part is he is so proud that he does not have to ask mom anymore!